By: Katelyn Carter and Makenna Kern

      Last week, the quiz team had their final home match of the season. Their regular season did not look too hot for the Liberty Center Tigers, but their final home match against Holgate was a great comeback. 

These matches consist of 20 questions, along with bonus questions. If a person from either team were to answer one of the 20 questions right, they would then have 3 bonus questions to earn even more points. For each question, including the bonus questions, the team had 10 seconds to say their answer. Each of the 20 questions is worth 10 points, and each bonus question answered correctly is another 10 points. So, the most amount of points that can be scored from one round is 50 points. However, if someone were to buzz in to answer one of the 20 questions and got it wrong, they would lose 5 points. 

Seniors Audrey Bowers, Claire McMaster, and Bryce McCloud all contributed to the win over the Holgate Tigers. Sophomore, Vance Norrington, also contributed to the win as well. The final score ended up being 120-90. Since it was the senior’s final home match, their coach, Mrs. Ahleman, set up a little celebration for after the match. There was a cake and other finger foods that were shared with all participants of the match and their parents.